
Monday, January 3, 2011

I feel like Blah today!

The holidays are over and done with and we now begin our long, long trek towards spring. If there was any time of the year when I give serious consideration to moving, it is now.

My hands and feet will stay cold for the next few months. We will not see much of the sunshine that I love so very much. Its hibernation time for me and many other animals.

I have some new things in the works to keep my mind occupied. The sewing machine has been oiled and I have many peices of material stockpiled from thrift stores and garage sales.

A new job is also in the works. Very part time. Really have not made up my mind if its to my liking or not, however, a few extra dollars in my pocket per month would be nice.

Wish I felt better. Have started some new anxiety medication, along with kava, kava. Really need to cut caffeine out of the diet, but, when I looked at the price of coffee yesterday, the small cans are now priced at what the larger sized one cost. Glad we stocked up before the price increase. Good Golly, Man! Today was also greeted with a Migraine headache.

There is some work I need to get to, I put it off all last week because the MR. was on vacation all week.

Blah, maybe tomorrow!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Don't upset the Apple Cart!

Ya know, this may come as a surprise to you all. I have had people in my life, my whole life, whom are the type that you find yourself tip toeing around so as to not upset the apple cart. Well, this last year, I said screw that. It didn't turn out so well, but, you know what, I feel so much better. Everything is out there in the open, they know exactly how I feel and how they have made me feel over the years, but, heres is the big shock, instead of them accepting any responsibility for their actions, they, collectively put their heads together and have decided that I need a mental eval, cause I aint' taking any of their shit no more!

So, Here is my quote to start the new year with!

You have done what you could — some blunders and absurdities have crept in. Forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
