Boy, smoking is a huge political target in today’s society. One looks at a smoker with such disdain and repulsion, they are to be avoided at all costs and lord forbid your children come within their personal space. One can hardly wait for those lawsuits to start appearing.
Nevertheless, face it, you know you do want to quit. You have for years; however, the will power required is more than you have now. Maybe after the news is posted about the job promotion, or when the approval comes through on you new home purchase. There is always something going in your life that keeps you from taking that first step. No one can make the decision for you and as long as you are still coming up with excuses, you are not going to quit.
Many people are recommending stop smoking aids, being it in the form of prescription drugs or over the counter patches or gum. To be honest, you need to research those options, however, there are so many dramatic side affects from these, you should only consider these if you have seriously tried and failed using your own will power.
One thing you can try is to use visualization. Just picture it in your mind. You are smoking your very last cigarette. View yourself puffing away, picture the smoke rising into the air, take a deep breath, and exhale completely. Watch as the cigarette burns down to the filter, and the ashes you flick away. As your extinguishing the last of the butt, and throwing it away, picture in you head, giving yourself a high five, while saying that is the last smoke you will ever enjoy.
This is one of the methods a hypnotist will suggest as the means to put those cigarettes down. Yes, you will have periods of time where the urge is so strong, you have to have that nicotine right this minute, however, it’s your choice how to diffuse this. One method is to carry a small bit of baking soda with you. When the symptoms appear, simply, wet your finger and stick it on the soda, and return a bit of the powder to your tongue. This helps your body to reduce the acids that retain the nicotine. Getting rid of that stored nicotine is imperative in getting rid of the habit. This soda can also be mixed into a glass of water, several times per day, however, you may find that putting a bit directly onto your tongue, will help fight off that need for a smoke.
It is also true to avoid places where smokers hang out. Those bars and casinos are chock full of temptation for the former nicotine addicted personality. There are former smokers, some that have quit as far back as twenty year ago, who still just love the smell of cigarettes and know, that smoking just a single one, and they are hooked yet again.
In closing, one also needs to consider the substitute habits that some will pick up in avoiding nicotine. Of course, we are referring to food and the weight gain associated with that. Yes, you are creating another issue, which will need to be addressed, however, without the smoking habit, you will be in a much better position to hit the gym, you will have much more energy and ability to walk further with out running out of breath. Your lungs actually start to heal themselves from the moment you take your last puff!