
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Shit or get off the pot.

We all know we are in trouble.
You can't buy anything today that has not gone up in price.
Our local paper ran a story on the front page regarding utilities, again.
Yep, across the board 4 percent rise in Electric, 3 percent in trash and water.
I only use their electric.

You know the price of gas is effecting everything we buy.

Do you think retired folk living on Social Security have any chance of getting a raise? Normally they get 3 or 4 percent in January. Like I just stated, Utilities alone are up 10 percent, gasoline who can calculate that percentage, Food, unknown percent at this point.

Do you know one thing that has not gone up?

I do.


Matter of Fact, our wages have gone down. The company where my Husband has worked for 25 years are cutting back. Their bonus's are gone. Ample overtime is gone. They have cut to a 4 day work week. What can you do?

I work from home. No need to fill my gas tank every week. No useless trips to pick up an item or two, nope, He picks em up on his way home. He is also riding a motorcycle to work on days that is not dangerous, ie snow, tornado watch, thunderstorms. Yep, this is Oklahoma!

Watch those Grocery ads. Stock up on Sale items. If its not on sale, don't buy it or at least print off a coupon and visit a store that doubles coupons.

Saving on Electric , turn off that computer, unplug cell phone charger, laptop charger, ceiling fans in rooms your not in, lights , air conditioners. Ya know, its not going to lower you bills, but, just maybe they won't go up . If I use 4 percent less, its a wash in the end.

Good Grief

Good gosh. I only wanted a small space to type up some random thoughts. Who knew that you have to come up with a name for a blog, a name that is not already in USE. I mean, shit, tried more than 20 different names that were already taken. Hell, by the time I finally figured out a name, I am out of time and have to head for work. Hopefully, work will be slow today and I can go ahead and type out my thoughts that originally got me going in this direction. JJ